Allergens and Dust
are a Problem
Where does dust come from?
Ever shined a flashlight in a dark house and observed the dust in the air? It may seem gross, but dust is a combination of dead skin cells, clothing fibers, paper fibers, pollen, and pet dander to name a few. Dust settles on surfaces and enters our nose and lungs. Dust and pollen can cause allergy reactions such as sneezing. One study suggests we breathe in two tablespoons of dust every day and our bodies natural mucus filters try to take care of it. But when our systems are overwhelmed with allergens, we come down with sneezing, watery eyes, and for some asthma. If the air filter in your furnace isn't picking up the dust, then your body is the air filter. What can be done about it? We can eliminate the source of the dust, close the windows, put the pets outside, cover from head to toe. But the reality is we want to live with our families and pets indoors. Whole house air filtration system will filter all the air in your home 5 or more times per hour. Aprilaire air filters are the leader in air filtration with their patented fully sealed filters and cabinet that no one else can match. A standard air filter does not seal at the edges and dusty air can leak past. A Breath EZ filter package from Berg's Heating & Air Conditioning cleans the air and leaves your furnace and ducts clean.
Healthy Air
In-Duct UV Air Treatment
Mountain Air Package
Whole House Air
Treatment Combination
Why is it so dry in the winter?
What happens when you fill a glass with ice water? The outside of the glass condenses water and runs down to the table. Cold air can not hold moisture so it falls out of the air as rain or snow leaving the air dry. Dry air is irritating to the skin and also allows static shock when we touch the light switch or our family members. A humidifier adds moisture back to the air to make our skin more comfortable and moist air feels warmer to the skin than dry air.
Moist Air Package
Whole House Humidification
Why do lightning surges occur?
Colorado averages 500,000 cloud to ground lightning strikes each year. These lightning strikes can hit nearby trees, utility poles and transformers causing power surges in the utility lines. The surge can cause damage to air conditioners and heating equipment. Lightning forms when a charge of ions from a developing storm builds up and jumps across the air to its target. Air acts as an insulator of electricity, so it takes a large charge of ions to make a path from the clouds to the ground. The rush of energy in a lightning strike temporarily equalizes the charged area in the atmosphere with the uncharged ground. The process repeats until the charges build up again. The way to protect your home is a surge protection package from Berg's Heating and Air Conditioning.
Lightning Surge Protection
Safety notice. Furnaces over 20 years old should be monitored for carbon monoxide leaks due to possible cracks in the heat exchanger. Because the average lifespan of a furnace is 20-25 years, annual inspections should be performed or furnace replacement should be considered. Cracks are caused when the heat exchanger metal is stressed by heating and cooling each time the furnace operates. This happens multiple times a day and over the life of the furnace the metal wears thin. Rust can also cause weak spots in the heat exchanger due to moisture in the flame burning process. Unfortunately, a standard carbon monoxide detector from the hardware store won't alert you to small cracks in the heat exchanger until levels reach dangerous levels of 70 PPM for 4 hours. These standard carbon monoxide detectors are designed to alert you to a severe leak such as a broken exhaust vent and may not alert with a small leak. Carbon monoxide can be harmful or deadly to children, expecting mothers, the elderly, and immune-compromised individuals. Carbon monoxide is accumulative and builds up in the body taking the place of oxygen. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are flu-like symptoms including nausea, headaches, and exhaustion. To make things worse, Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas. Heating contractors have special low level testing meters that will alert to low levels and can visually inspect the furnace for issues. For safety, please have your furnace checked annually and have at least one low level carbon monoxide detector installed in your home.